Scotland Archives - Mission Blue

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First Ever Hope Spot in mainland United Kingdom Declared Along Scotland’s Argyll Coast and Islands


The strikingly diverse landscape of the West coast of Scotland is one of a storybook come to life. Imagine idyllic, rolling green hills, cut with streams of clear water carving a path over rocks blanketed in tufts of spongy moss. Weathered stone castles stand like sentries along the dramatic coast, piercing a delicate veil of grey fog. Jagged rocks along the coast loom above placid, white sand beaches meeting crystalline blue waters. Plunging beneath the surface, shipwrecks lie preserved, their presence a reminder of the inextricable link between the sea and our maritime heritage, spanning four hundred years from the Spanish Armada to WW2 losses, these sites, many of which have become artificial reefs full of marine life, are windows into the past and enable us to discover the stories of seafarers, trade and conflict.…

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Beyond Baselines: Exploratory Dives in the Outer Hebrides

By Mae Dorricott

Sometimes there comes a point in a dive when you think that you should turn around and go back. There isn’t anything of interest here. But you can’t help but listen to that little voice, “Oh, just one more corner!”. That one more corner led us into a dead end. The rock walls created an underwater cul-de-sac and the kelp bed swayed in the currents below. It was pretty, for sure, but not what we we’re looking for.
I turn to my buddy Kirsty, to decide which way we should go next. But as I look round, she’s disappeared.
Maybe she headed out already? Before I make a move though, a torch light shines out from a dimly lit corner of the “dead end”.…

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Scotland Works to Protect its Marine Ecosystems

By Mera McGrew
Scotland is taking steps to protect its rich marine ecosystem by creating a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPA).
Scotland is just one of many jurisdictions seeking to protect their ocean heritage — Over the past few weeks Mission Blue has reported on both Australia and California planning to expand their own ocean sanctuaries.
As for Scotland, the government’s Scottish Natural Heritage has begun discussions with various stakeholders to come up with a final outline for the MPA network
Local ocean advocates say the discussions are a chance to expand protections to Seabirds, bottle-nosed dolphins and Minke whales, all of which are not included in the current plan.
“Scotland’s seas are home to some of the most important habitats in northern Europe, we have enough scientific evidence to support this and we should be showcasing these species, instead of side-lining them,” Sarah Dolman, an executive with Scotland’s Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, told the BBC.…

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