Southern Ocean Archives - Mission Blue

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Southern Ocean Retrospectives and Perspectives

Maggie Amsler, Department of Biology University of Alabama at Birmingham

I recently sailed away from Antarctica on almost the shortest day of the year, plying north through the Southern Ocean to the port city of Punta Arenas, Chile and ultimately flying home to Alabama where I touched down on the longest day (and hottest?!) of the year in Alabama. The four-day transit featured relatively calm seas most of the time, even in the notorious Drake Passage. Island-lifestyle enthusiast Jimmy Buffett would term my relocation a “change in latitude” and as a career polar marine biologist, I have made this drastic hemispheric shift for each of my 27 expeditions to Antarctica. According to my back of the envelope scribbles, I have had the privilege of spending approximately eight years of my life beside, on, in and even above the Southern Ocean.…

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CCAMLR 2012 Closes with No Agreement on a Proposal to Protect the Southern Ocean

By Mera McGrew
Over the past two weeks, government leaders had an opportunity to take some of the most significant action in ocean conservation history as they met for the 31st annual meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). With a target date of 2012 set by CCAMLR member states to establish a network of Antarctic marine protected areas (MPAs), the world has been following the meeting expecting that one of the world’s largest marine sanctuaries could be established. However, to the disappointment of many across the globe, CCAMLR 2012 came to a close today without an agreement on any marine reserves or MPAs that would ensure long-term protection and health of the Southern Ocean.…

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Explore the Antarctic with Sylvia Earle [VIDEO]

Go on a journey with Mission Blue founder, Dr. Sylvia Earle, to the Southern Ocean as she narrates a short video [watch below]. Click play, to learn about the distinctive life that lives in the frigid Antarctic waters and see beautiful visuals of the unique ecosystems that exist in the most southern reaches of the world.…

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